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Khayakhulu offers a range of ICT solutions and consulting services to help businesses stay ahead of the curve. Services include software development, web and mobile app development, cloud computing solutions, cybersecurity, project management, and business strategy consulting. Our commitment to excellence, innovation, and customer satisfaction makes it a trusted partner for businesses leveraging the latest technologies.


System Migration and Integration

We offer System Migration and Integration services to help businesses transition smoothly from legacy systems to updated and modern techniques. Our experienced developers and consultants work closely with clients to understand their plans and business processes.

Risk Assessment and Site Surveys

We offer Risk Assessment and Site Survey services to help businesses identify and mitigate potential risks and vulnerabilities in their IT infrastructure and physical environment. Our experienced consultants conduct comprehensive risk assessments and site surveys to identify potential security threats and vulnerabilities.

Network Service Migrations

Khayakhulu offers comprehensive Network Service Migration services to help businesses migrate network services from one platform or provider to another. Our experienced network engineers and technicians work closely with clients to understand their unique business needs and design customized migration plans tailored to their requirements.

Acceptance and Test Procedures

Khayakhulu provides comprehensive Acceptance and Test Procedure services to guarantee that software applications and IT systems are thoroughly tested and meet quality standards. This is before their deployment.

Installation of Fibre and Radwin (microwave)

KHAYAKHULU provides professional installation services for Fibre and Radwin (microwave) technologies to help businesses establish reliable, high-speed connectivity solutions. Our experienced team of technicians and engineers are well-equipped to handle the installation and configuration of Fibre and Radwin technologies, ensuring seamless and reliable connectivity.

Multivendor Node Installation, Integration and Recovery

We provide Multivendor Node Installation, Integration, and Recovery services to help businesses install, integrate, and recover their network nodes from different vendors. Our experienced network engineers and technicians work with other vendors’ equipment, guaranteeing that companies can operate their network nodes seamlessly.

Decommissioning of Microwave equipment

KHAYAKHULU offers Decommissioning of Microwave Equipment services to help businesses decommission and remove their microwave equipment safely and securely. Our team of experienced technicians ensures that all equipment is adequately disconnected, dismantled, and removed from the site.



Our duty towards you is to share the experience we’re reaching in our work path with you.

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